由史蒂芬·霍尔建筑师与首尔的纪录E.Rae建筑师的建筑师设计,这种独特的结构提供双重目的,既作为住宅招待所以及为参观者一个艺术画廊。JongSeo Lee of Steven Holl Architects was the associate in charge, and the project was completed in 2011.The structure's geometry is inspired by a John Cage sketch for a music score by the composer Istvan Anhalt, ‘Symphony of Modules,’ which Cage illustrated in an abstract form. The unusual shaped composition has now been reimagined as the plan layout of the Daeyang residence, continuing the chain from music, to art, to architecture.This state of continued change and process informs many aspects of the building. Zahner worked closely with both the owner and the design team to develop a custom patina for the copper panel system that would match the desired coloration with natural warmth and texture.