一个制造者Perspectivepublished:2010年1月08,“人的心灵,用一种新的思路延伸,永远不会回到它原来的尺寸。”- 奥利弗·温德尔HolmesOver在过去的十年中,设计,工程和建筑行业一直致力于数字技术融入建设过程。像根深蒂固公约堤越来越泄漏,数字化技术的整合是溶解慢下来制造过程中的障碍。不采用这项技术的公司将通过正在发生转变所淹没。老传统,往往采取行动,减缓进程或限制的过程中需要加以修订或取消。如果正确地预成型,该信息是显著更准确,更稳健。对于谁是负责检查或确认诉讼的关注是越来越少的impediment.At Zahner的,我们有一个结构或物体的表面工作。几何形状,图案,材料的方式进行表面和表面反射光线的方式是我们自己参与我们with.We是因为利益的质量和精度创造结构的表面数字化界定。几何形状,表面图案和接口均支持数字上我们create.Much什么,我们的模型是参数化实体模型定义。我们定义组成的成品部件或结构的积分一定关系。 These relationships include the methods of attachment back to the structure as well as define interface requirements.We integrate our process of defining the surface into a kanban or signaling system for the fabrication of the part. Kanban is a tenant of Lean Manufacturing processes. Lean Processes integrate very well with digital definition and demand fluid information transfer. Certain knowledge is consistent in our processes and the various parts that make up the finished product arrive together prior to the final assembly. One piece of paper, usually containing dimensional values and an image, are utilized as a quality check. Other than that, the information is al contained in digital files utilized by the fabrication equipment to define parts and assemblies.All of this is internal, sort of the blood flow of the factory / engineering interface. It insures that what we fabricate is what we intend on placing on the structure. We can be more accurate than ever before. On the product floor, our supervisors can call up images of the model to evaluate the information on the model before we produce the product if needed.Basic ProcessWe receive the digital model from the designer. We then create a digital model that is an exact overly of the designer’s model. The model we create is transformed into a parametric surface. The parametric surface incorporates information needed to drive the fabrication of our product. Proprietary algorithms are introduced to generate framing fastener layouts, individual surface elements and other information needed to construct the finish surface. Often the algorithms relate to other parametric relationships in a part, such as hidden surfaces, chips, and sometimes various fabrication techniques.With our model we incorporate seam locations, flashings, interface connections and other information necessary to show the designer what it is we intend on providing and how we are going to provide it.Details are created on AutoCAD or other, non parametric systems often created directly for the parametric model. These are informational files that provide section information, about the various parts. They are keyed off a ‘snap shot’ of a particular elevation. The designer, general contractor and other specialty contractors use theses details as reference information. The designer requires us to convert the digital parametric model to IGS or DXF for their use. The designer’s original digital model remains as the master for comparison. It is often housed at a managed server location.What might the future hold-Once the designer and the fabricator/constructor were much closer tied. The world was smaller, simpler then and one major project may have occupied much of a lifetime. Eventually, strict divisions of construction developed and risk transfer moved up there with quality and service as on of the primary focuses of the industry. All of a sudden we began building simple boxes out of rectangular components defined by these divisions. Complexity was risky. The structure was made of steel and bolted in straight lines by one division of labor. The cladding is attached to the structure in rectilinear components by yet another. Dignified guilds with apprentice inculcation disappeared and were replaced by semiskilled workers, lacking passion in what they were producing.It is hard to get passionate over a box.The connection between the designer and the fabricator today are being regenerated. The ability to model shape and form and then to transfer them to the manufacturing floor is introducing art back into fabrication process. You can see it in the eyes of those that work in the process. Being part of creativity is fun and satisfying. We have construction workers now wanting to work for us because of the challenges of creating these complex forms. We work closely with the designer. The goals are quality and efficiency.There is a blurring of the traditional divisions. Integrated skin with structure to create efficient and interesting surfaces can now be produced.The designer has a new style of paintbrush to paint with. Some of the shackles are being removed and the potential is expanding.