*虽然我们不提供仅用于TI-STAINLESS STEEL的供应,但我们很乐意根据您的项目需求进行定制。我们选择性地与供应商合作,提供多种尺寸和厚度的最优质材料。请致电或发送电子邮件给我们详细信息。它是一种不锈钢金属板,其涂层含有钛合金。有几种方法可以在不锈钢上实现颜色。从干涉不锈钢的化学浴过程,用着色剂电镀。Ti-STANTERS是在不锈钢上实现独特的色调或颜色的最有效的方法之一,通过钛和其他合金施加到不锈钢表面。其原料板形式,钛是机器和较昂贵的材料制造。它具有低延性。这意味着它不想弯曲,并且它通常会恢复到其形式。这就是为什么钛 - 镍合金用作镜片等产品的“记忆金属”。 On the other hand, this also means that titanium will take more time to machine when in sheet form.This is where Ti-Stainless has distinct advantages over other raw titanium sheet. Ti-Stainless, also known as titanium-coated stainless steel or generally as PVD stainless steel, is an more economical solution to those desiring a custom color with the longevity of titanium and stainless steel. Titanium-coated stainless steel can come in heavy gauge sheets because it is a thin layer of titanium chemically bonded with a thicker layer of stainless steel. Stainless steel coated with titanium may increase its scratch and corrosion resistance, making its durability superior to many other metal options. This durable titanium-coating makes it a high-quality option for colored metal systems.